The Scientific and Ethics Committee of the Observatory of Black Communities of Quebec has the primary mandate of ensuring the scientific and ethical quality of research projects carried out exclusively or in partnership by the Observatory. It also contributes to the enrichment of the Observatory’s research program.
The committee will be called upon to revise the Observatory’s research plans, paying particular attention to projects involving humans, given the ethical issues of this type of research. Furthermore, although the directions of the research program are defined by the strategic plan adopted by the Board of Directors (C.A.) of the Afro Youth Summit, the committee can advise and draft recommendations regarding the evolution of these directions and the deploy associated activities.
This committee comprises seven members, including six experts from different backgrounds or communities and one young person under 30.
Moussa Sarr, Ph.D.
Directeur | Lachine Lab
Abdoudramane Ganame
Henri-Robert Durandisse
Directeur CHAIS
Joaneson Lacour, Ph.D.
Femmes en emploi
Lynda Rey, Ph.D.
Hors de la province du Québec
Salmata Ouedraogo, Ph.D.
Hors de la région métropolitaine de Montréal
Salmata Ouedraogo
Hors de la région métropolitaine de Montréal