The Black Communities Observatory of Quebec organizes several events throughout the year. Symposia, conferences, and study days are meticulously documented so that everyone can access the participants’ reflections through comprehensive reports.

Days of Education Report (2023)

On September 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2023, the Observatory and the 1804 Fund for School Perseverance jointly organized the second edition of Education Days, bringing together researchers, professionals, and parents to address the challenges faced by Black youth during their educational journeys

Days of Education Report (2022)

On May 26, 2022, the Young Afro Summit held its first education study day on the theme 'The School Path of Black Youth in Quebec: Challenges, Obstacles, and Opportunities.

Youth Consultation Report (2023)

From October 21st to 22nd, 2023, the Young Afro Summit organized the third edition of Youth Consultations in Gatineau. The Observatory led thematic workshops, engaging over 200 Black youth aged 15 to 35 from various regions of Quebec to better understand their perspectives and concerns.

Inclusive Theatre Symposium Report (2023)

On April 15th and 16th, 2023, the Compagnie Théâtre Créole and the Black Communities Observatory of Quebec organized a symposium with about thirty artists and researchers from the theatrical community to better understand the challenges of their field