Research programs

The Observatory’s research programs aim to develop and carry out research projects related to the SdesJ’s priority themes: Quebec’s Afro-descendant youth and the realities, experiences and expertise of Black communities in the fields of health, culture, education, economy and justice.
The objective of the research programs is to document and analyze the socio-economic conditions and realities of youth and their communities to better identify barriers and factors of promotion in their subtleties.
The research and experimentation programs are divided into two axis: the youth axis and the socio-economic axis.
The major axis
The youth axis develops and produces qualitative and quantitative research with and on young Afro-descendants in Quebec. It aims to give a central place to the experience, knowledge and voice of youth by involving them in various stages of the research process.
The Socio-Economic Monitoring axis develops and produces qualitative and quantitative research on the five priority themes of intervention of the SdesJ: culture, justice, health, economy, education. It aims to promote the involvement and collaboration of several Black community actors by including them in various stages of the research process through thematic research groups.