Charlette Ménard

Professor | Researcher

Faculty of Education Sciences, UQAT

In early adolescence, Charlette Ménard left her beloved Haiti to embark on her journey of immigration to Quebec and Canada. Since then, she has had to navigate the various facets of her identity multiple times, especially in environments where a multiple identity does not always seem compatible.

She is now a professor-researcher in the Department of Education Sciences at UQAT. Trained as a teacher-special educator and with fifteen years of experience in the school environment working with young people, she is interested in learner culture, particularly in considering their diversity, teacher training as a cultural vector, and the importance of identities in the teaching-learning dynamic, especially in the recent context of distance learning. Her expertise enables her to lead a bachelor’s program in special education and social adaptation teaching and two second-cycle microprograms in teaching and intervention adapted to students with special needs, intended for already practicing school staff.

Finally, with a concern for social justice and as an advocate for critical pedagogy, her journey naturally leads her to focus on the education of marginalized youth or those from minority groups.

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